<aside> ℹ️ Building alignment around a company’s purpose helps pods pull in the one direction. Acme is a fictional early-stage company that applies the Product Playbook.


Mission ⭐️

Our mission is our why.

Acme will make company-building more approachable, encouraging the next generation of world changers.

Vision 👀

Our vision is our what.

Acme will demystify how the best teams operate and systemise the best parts.

Strategy 🛣

Our strategy is our how.

We identify opportunities that provide progress towards our broader mission. One tool at our disposal is the growth model, which asks: how does our product grow? How do we acquire, retain, monetise and defend? A wedge can be useful to narrow our focus.

Next Strategic Steps from Mission, Vision and Strategy

  1. Acme will build a collaborative writing platform where teams celebrate their approach to work (acquire, retain).
  2. Acme will produce a subscription-based curriculum for a specific function with guest speakers from top companies (monetise).
  3. Acme will produce templates and software that reduces the barrier to applying what’s been learnt (defend)

↑ We use a synced block in Notion so we can reference this up-to-date strategy elsewhere.