<aside> ℹ️ Product Playbook is a system for product managers to keep track of what’s happening in their team and to communicate updates effectively. It starts with a high-level mission, vision and strategy and works down to connect the dots through OKRs, linked projects and tasks. When these elements run smoothly, it creates more space for deep thought.

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Sample Weekly Product Memo

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Mission, Vision and Strategy

When we zoom out, we’re interested in why a company exists (mission), what is being built (vision) and the steps to deliver on those ambitions (strategy).

Mission, Vision and Strategy

Decision Points

A linear strategic path fails to adapt from learnings. Decision points encourage pause for thought, an opportunity to test assumptions, and improve the likelihood of positive outcomes.

Decision Points


What we build should be informed by who we are building for. The goal of segmentation is to find personas and use cases where our product resonates.
